I’m certainly out doing myself by writing about hot springs episodes from two different series in one day!
Quite frankly, I have started to become infected with this disease where you obsess over tsundere girls voiced by Kugimiya Rie. I got a blast of it when I produced Minase Iori, who is also voiced by her. After hearing her voice for so long, you can easily tell how similar the personalities and voices are with the exception of violence.

Since this OVA takes place at a hot spring inn, a scene where the girls compare their bust size is the only logical step while Aria getting annoyed. If you compare all the sizes from all the tsundere roles that Kugimiya Rie voiced, it’s pretty interesting that they are around same with Aria having a bust of 65 cm as shown in the first episode. The only exception to this is Iori, which has a slightly bigger bust size of 77 cm. Outlier for sure, but it still pales in comparison to other girls.
After the bathing, Aria and Jeanne had a heated Ping-Pong match against each other. This is perhaps the most exciting part of the episode. Since Jeanne is a Choutei, she decides to cheat and freezes the ball towards her favor. The aftermath made me laugh since Aria got really angry.

Aside from the enjoyable moments, the second half of the episode was really scary. Somehow, somebody possessed Jeanne and make her become one of the life-like traditional dolls in the garden. It doesn’t stop there… Muto falls from the ceiling along with Tsuzuri and the landlady getting tied up to the wall unconscious. The frightening part about the whole thing is that it ends with Aria and Kinji getting locked up in a room with possessed creatures coming after them. Before they can attack, they wake up and find themselves sleeping in the SUV. I think that a Groundhog Day Loop is a possibility because they retained all the memories while the ghost remains at large. I suppose we will never know how it ends since the episode just stops there.
Overall, the special was interesting and fun despite never capturing the culprit. I admit that Kinji’s harem with Riko and Shirayuki teasing him while Aria goes bananas is fun to watch. I think he enjoys the girls’ reactions, although inside his heart, he actually likes Aria over the other girls… Just don’t tell anyone or they will get upset.
OVA Rating: 8.5/10
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