Popura is leaving forever? NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
It’s very apparent that Souta adores Popura a lot mostly for her short stature and cuteness. With Nazusa growing taller than him and Popura finally reaching the broken items report sheet, it gives him the terrifying thought that she’s growing taller. To add more salt to the wounds, Aoi causes everyone to panic by spreading a rumor that Popura is quitting immediately. No matter what, it seems that Aoi loves stirring up trouble, until she gets caught. No matter what, her shenanigans still gives a hilarious reaction or even helpful like suggesting Souta to crossdress to fend of Inami’s father.

As expected, Maya finally says some lines when she reintroduce herself. While her moments were some of the best in this episode, I couldn’t help to think that her voice changed since she said any lines since the first season. Even so, she is so obsessed of being normal that it becomes an irony. For instance, when Souma and Satou tease her about being normal, she couldn’t help it and runs away. In the end, she convinces Popura tell everyone that she’s not leaving and that she will keep her job as long nothing bad happens to her grades. So, all the commotion happened over nothing I suppose.
Final Thoughts
Although it’s more of the same restaurant comedy goodness from the first season, the second is actually improved quite a lot despite the change of directors. Every episode of Working managed to make me laugh every time unlike Shinryaku!? Ika Musume, which some jokes became a bit too stale. Nevertheless, it’s nice to see Inami finally making some more progress in resolving her androphobia along with Otoo’s wife making an appearance and of course, Aoi’s usual trouble making. Despite the lackluster opening theme, the sequel still keeps its luster as one of the enjoyable comedies from the fall season.
Overall Rating: 8.8/10, B+
Lackluster opening, shit son, pan pan beats wan wan without question
It’s subjective… but I have yet to listen to the full version of the second season’s arc, so I have no opinion currently.