Well, I hope everyone had a nice Christmas. For me, not much has happened except my parents and sister watched a few movies while I play with video games and my new iPhone. Of course, one of those games I finally get a chance to play with is of course アイドルマスター2 on the Playstation 3. Yep, it’s that game, which the anime is based on and I have to say that I’m impressed with it so far. Although my Japanese skills needs more work, the girls looked cute and most importantly, it’s a fun game (except the know fact that I suck at the dance lessons). Still, I won’t write my first impressions until I get further into the game, which might take a week. Nevertheless, I’ll keep everyone posted.
If you are curious on what I’m producing, the unit name is “Flower Princess” (花姫), which consists of Takane (Leader), Haruka and Mami.
Ranked Episodes
1. The iDOLM@STER – Episode 25
Despite the lack of a live performance for the second song and have course, two songs only being done on stage, it looked fabulous. Otherwise, I pretty much said everything in the episodic post.
2. Fate/zero – Episode 13
Compared to the last episode, this was a bit more interesting as it finally focuses on Rider and of course Caster, which becomes more screwed up than ever. What made this first season finale rather disappointing is the fact that they dropped a cliffhanger after Saber starts launching an attack on Caster. Not only the wait for this epic battle will become painful, but it’s also a horrible way to end and essentially, they trolled the whole audience. Despite this, I think the 2nd half will have more exciting stuff and I can’t wait to see it when it resumes in April of next year.
3. Shinryaku!? Ika Musume – Episode 11
Needless to say, The Three Stooges brings a lot of comedy through their inventions despite their eventual failure. Still, Chizuru controlling Ika through hypnotism and the Squid Girl battle with a robot was quite hilarious. To add the cherry on top, Chizuru fakes her out by being nice to her before going back to her usual self, which is pretty scary in my opinion.
Unranked Episodes
Working – Episode 11
I kind of felt bad for Yachiyo for falling into the misunderstanding, but I’m glad that Satou was able to sort everything out. Aside from that, I liked the hair designs Satou uses on Popura, especially the princess curls since they look adorable on her.
Other Thoughts
On Tuesday and Wednesday of last week, I marathoned all 11 episodes of Kuragehime, which was one of the three suggestions made by Ink and it went better than expected. From watching this, it made me realize that noitaminA has taken a recent downwards drop in quality for airing too many shouen shows rather than focusing on the niche as intended. Still, this show has sparked some interest in covering/reviewing more Josei shows in the future, which is always a good thing.
As for the Christmas present, besides the obvious Idolmaster 2 game mentioned above, I received other games and stuff such as:
- White iPhone 4s – 32 GB (named Shijou Takane)
- New case for the mentioned iPhone
- 1TB Portable Hard Drive
- Super Mario 3D Land
- Mario Kart 7
- Pokémon Rumble Blast
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To end things off, I hope everyone had a nice Christmas and I thank everyone who gave me greetings and cards, I appreciated it.
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