Oh man, The Three Stooges’ inventions were really effective this time around. The only problem, it ends up failing as usual.
Part I – You’re getting very sleepy…

In actuality, I never believed in hypnotism since it’s just an act. When I was in high school, the student council always planned to have a hypnotist to come in spring of every year. During the event, people watches others get hypnotized and act accordingly to his/her commands. In reality, the person who receives the treatment is just goes along so they won’t upset everyone. For Sanae, Eiko, Nagisa and Chizuru, this happens since they don’t want to disappoint Sanae. Ultimately, it fails when she tries it on Ika. Ironically, Ika repeats what Sanae did and it was extremely effective, except it failed to affect Chizuru. Clearly, the Three Stooges gave her a powerful hypnotizing coin to make it work every time and I have to admit, watching the two girls act like animals was hilarious.
On the other hand, I felt bad for Ika since Chizuru uses it on her to maintain the status quo so that she can never invade. That and her scary side make it even more effective.
Part II – Another Ika Musume Challenger Appears

If you want to see some more of The Three Stooges’ shenanigans, they partner up with Ayumi’s father to build a better Ika head. Not so surprisingly, it outperforms the actual one. Not only that, the robotic Ika throws many psychological insults to her and was so hilarious that I can’t stop laughing. They were so effective that she actually cried. Eventually, the robot fails for not having a viable backup power source, allowing her to defeat it.
After observing all their failed inventions, it’s clear that they don’t add a failsafe to their devices. Come on, a human power generator to power the robot? They could have used solar panels and take advantage of the abundant sunlight on the beach to make them invincible. Knowing them, they would rather make new and better ones rather than over-engineer it, which is why it will ultimately fail.
Part III – Chizuru’s Bonding Time with Ika

Since it’s Chizuru, this was simply the best part of the episode considering how scary she can get if you mess with the status quo. However, she acts a bit too kind as shown when she doesn’t get mad at Ika’s screw-ups. Although Chizuru’s appearance scares Ika, she eventually loosens up, which is always a good thing. Hopefully from their outing, they will eventually get along with each other someday… then again, maybe not since it was a trap!
Also, many people might not have noticed this, but Ika actually gives some rare 2000-yen bills, which were only distributed to commemorate the Year 2000 and the 26th G8 summit. No wonder why Gorou was so excited when he received it.
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