Inami’s Androphobia is gradually going away through the help of Souta. It’s not until some incident that involved boxes, which causes her to become bedridden… Oh my!
For the past few episodes, there have been so many adorable moments of Inami that it gave me feelings of endearment every time. Although she doesn’t punch Satou while he took a break, the boxes that Kyouko stacked in the room’s corner started everything. When I saw the boxes, I asked myself, why would someone stack them in a corner of the break room knowing that it can fall on someone? Sadly, Inami gets into one crazy situation where the boxes were about to collapse on her and Souta tries to keep it from falling. During this, they looked like they were about to kiss each other or something. Eventually, it falls and he became excited and worried at the same time that she didn’t punch him. The only bad thing is that she became unconscious and tries to avoid him the day following the event.

In another instance, it appears that Souta has romantic feelings for Inami. Despite the remarks he said earlier and her lack of a chest, the actions he takes while she slept said otherwise. He simply pets her head as if she was some kind of rare animal until she woke up. After that, she stops coming to work and receives a harsh big fever. I suppose the affection she received from her crush was so great that she couldn’t take it. Kotori was the only cure for her fever.

In the end, I like how her psychological problems got resolved. As I predicted in the last episode with Aoi’s preference for Kotori, Souta cross-dresses to help cure Inami’s problems. While Kotori’s appearance got cut short, the exchanging of phone numbers was a very heartwarming moment between them that her fever shot up in excitement. It’s a small, but significant step closer towards becoming an actual couple.

As for Aoi and Popura, they have their own cute moments. I liked how Aoi pretended to text someone by writing on the white board when she does not have a cellphone. If she wanted one that badly, she could simply return to her actual family and ask her mother. On the other hand, watching Popura get stuck in the freezer was kind of cute. Although she froze a little, Satou’s teasing effectively warmed her. So, when your friend complain about being cold, just say something witty and they will give the same reaction… On the second thought, don’t try this in real life or they might get mad at you.
It’s good to know that Inami is slowly getting over her issues, because they were always my biggest problem with her. Seeing Katanashi petting her like a little kitten was cute.