Kirio finally arrives at the restaurant in his quest to look for his younger sister, Aoi. This can only mean one thing… Trouble.
It appears that Souta has a lot of issues with his life… No matter what, he always acts like he is in a state of distress. First, the masochist thing got him so worked up that he banged his head on the wall and causes him to pet Popura so roughly. Now, he is feverishly treating her as a younger sister since he can’t accept Nazusa as one because she outgrew him. Even after he admits that it’s fine, he still gives his younger sister the same cold reaction like he did before. On the other hand, I liked how Inami took advantage of this situation for her own romantic interest. Souma does his magic by handing Souta a photo of her as a child and she simply records his reactions on her cellphone. I loved how she keeps playing it over and over because her reactions were so adorable. Perhaps, this scene is one of the best moments in the second season thus far.

From last time, it appears that Kirio hasn’t given up on looking for his younger sister and pays the restaurant a visit. Knowing that this is bad news, Souma takes his protection of Aoi to the extreme by sending her on a wild goose chase and giving him a picture of Souta crossdressing as Kotori. I find the latter hilarious because you know damn well that he doesn’t want this picture leaking out to the public. In addition to this madness, Souma goes on a lovely date with Aoi and shops around the mall while hiding her. Although their date was fun, you can tell that Aoi miss her mother. Probably her family was so dysfunctional that she had to run away and have someone else give the affection she needs. No matter what, he successfully saved the day by preventing Kirio from taking her away.
As Aoi enjoyed her time, I’m amazed that Inami appeared more frequently in the recent episodes. Not only her androphobia is gradually going away, but also she’s gaining more adorable moments. I hope by the end of the season, she can date Souta as a normal couple like she dreamed of.
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