The big day has finally arrived and everyone’s excited for the performance. Unfortunately, tension increases as a typhoon makes landfall, leaving Ritsuko and her unit stranded with the strong possibility of not making it on time.
At a glance, I thought that the concert would go smoothly. Sadly, Murphy’s Law weren’t on their side as a typhoon cripples Ritsuko’s ability to get back in the worst possible time… Bullet Trains suspended, a flat tire and getting stuck in traffic for hours on a highway. It makes me wonder, whose idea was it to go that route when localized flooding was a big possibility? Had they took the local roads, sure it will take longer, but it’s better than sitting in gridlock for hours. Also, the idea of flying was thrown around, which wouldn’t work because of the torrential rain and heavy winds. Essentially, they were at a lost until it eased.

Meanwhile, things at the performance site gets very intense as the girls have to keep the audience occupied while they wait. It starts off with a bang, but shortly after, audience became bored. Their reaction somewhat bothers me since the concert shouldn’t be all about Ryuuguu Komachi, but everyone. If the other girls were given more publicity before hand, there would be more excitement from the audience. Because the lack of enthusiasm, it eventually affected the girls’ morale and causes them to panic and fight. This is understandable since I would feel the same way even though it’s something out of everyone’s control. Thankfully, everything was turned around when Miki took the spotlight.

It’s obvious that Miki wanted to sparkle from the start and this was her chance. When she came on stage, she did wonders. Her performance of “Marionette no Kokoro” was amazing. Not only that, the main feature featuring all 9 girls, “Jibun REST@RT” also excited the crowd. It was simply a good feeling as they finally got noticed. Not only that, Ritsuko and the others miraculously made it back to bring the last part of their performance.
After the girls gave a great performance, especially Miki, it seems like they are finally on the road of becoming popular. Despite the lack of fan letters, hopefully the future will bring more with the Producer screwing up less and being more serious. Besides, the outlook already looks brighter than ever. However, through the prospect of the rivaling unit, Project Jupiter, things might get a bit tough if they let their guard down. Needless to say, I’m excited for the second half of the show.
I loved this episode so many songs and cool artwork! Miki wow she was great! Stole the show as always <3
Yes, there were so many songs and some I recognized since I have been listening to so many Idolmaster songs on my playlist. The animation on the performance looked great. However, it was lacking a bit in the beginning of the episode.
But damn, I really want to play the game now… But like always, Namco hates us, so yeah… I need to learn the language. :/