The challenge is on for 765 Productions (led by Ryuuguu Komachi) as they complete an idol-sporting event against other agencies. Unfortunately, there is one group of girls who aims to dampen their spirit to win.
During my time in elementary school, I never had any interest in Sports Day. It was always hot and ending up all sweaty. Considering that my athletic abilities are deficient, I would disappoint mostly everyone once the event was over. On the other hand, watching the girls of 765 participate in these events was a pleasing experience. While some of the girls are not skilled, the group is very optimistic. In particular, Azusa has caught everyone’s attention again after gracefully finishing in last place in the bread-eating race. Her witty comments about the red-paste bun were really hilarious. Eventually, they snapped up a lot of victories that got their spirits up. At the same time, the rival group, Shinkan Shoujo becomes jealous of their success that they try to sabotage them.
As shown though many instances in real life, competition can get downright ugly. Off the bat, Makoto and Iori got into an argument for not cooperating in the three-legged race. I felt that the excuses they made were senseless and they should have settled their differences before the event. Sadly, they didn’t and they argued again with the Producer running after them. Inevitably, Makoto injures her knee and they lost the event for the second time. Fortunately, it got better when they recognized something that happened to Yayoi.
To make things worse, Shinkan Shoujo tries to play dirty and sabotages the girls through intimidation. In one instance, one of the girls from the rivaling group insults Yayoi by calling her a burden to everyone. Her actions got me angry not because it was mean-spirited, but she lacked proper sportsmanship. Heck, their group lacks this since their producer tries to convince 765 Productions to lose on purpose. Thankfully, the Producer had a backbone and said no because that team wanted to win for their own benefit. Also, I loved how Iori told off the rival producer by saying that her family owns most of the stocks of his parent company. He was simply squirming in fear after that.
In the end, I was happy that the girls managed to pulled it together and worked as a team. They put all their effort in the relay race despite their difficulties and it paid off. Iori and Makoto benefited from the event especially as they managed to corporate in the last event and bring home the trophy. Watching the girl’s experiences as they face unexpected difficulties like this is what I love about this show, not just the personalities themselves.
Besides the event, I enjoyed how the 876 Idols from the DS games made a cameo appearance. We know that Ryo Akizuki is actually a male, but don’t tell that to anyone. Also, Project Jupiter performed at the event, but I wasn’t interested because it was a group of male idols.
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