Since there is a recent shortage of iDOLM@STER subs, I decide to dive deeper into my backlog. I realized that I haven’t gotten too far in Aria the Animation since I only watched the first two episodes. Of course, Episode 3 brought back the charm and happiness of the series with another young, but cute girl being introduced to the story.

Alice, who is part of the Orange Planet Company, is impressive at such a young age since she is a child prodigy and has a pretty appearance. She is very skillful at controlling the undine. She does all of this while attending middle school and many people idolizes her. Besides this, she is anti-social by the way she drives away the two girls who want autographs along with being rude towards Akari and Akira. Although I felt sorry for the girls since they got turned down, her unfriendliness is the reason why she doesn’t have any friends. Luckily, this changes as she starts to warm up with Akari as she tags along with her tour.

Throughout Akari’s tour of Neo-Venezia for Akatsuki, Alice coldness starts to change. She also defends her when he repeatedly calls her “sideburns.” Either way, she observed how Akari smiled and finds out her secret. Several moments later, she started to smile without noticing it. It was nice how Alice became more sociable with her in a short period of time. Hopefully this will continue as she hangs out during their practice.
Following my viewing of this episode, the feeling of Ikoku Meiro no Croisèe became very relatable to Aria. What made this show so special is the gradual turn of events as the girls build their friendship between each other with minor conflicts along the way. It’s the same with Yune as she helps Claude in the shop. The attention to the setting from both of these shows helps carry the good feeling through the plot. The scene where the girls watch the sunset at the Ukijima comes in mind. From this, it was nice to see Alice notice Akari’s rather cheerful personality with her smile and changed her attitudes for the best.
At last, the trio’s adventures begin.
Can’t wait for it and it’s heartwarming.