Shinichiro becomes dismayed over Hiromi’s revealing of her crush on Noe’s brother, Jun. This causes him to avoid her until a certain someone tries to cheer him up.
What troubles me about Hiromi is that her supposed crush towards Jun isn’t really her true feelings. While she admits to having feelings for him, it doesn’t really hide the fact that she actually likes Shinichiro. This becomes noticeable when she attempted to make friends with Noe just so she could get closer to her brother and failed. Nevertheless, I feel that the drama over the love triangle between the girls and Shinichiro will worsen when he dates Noe. After a while, she will start realizing that his feelings are hurt and blame it on her.
Through Shinichiro’s heartbreak over Hiromi over her crush, he becomes upset and Aiko was unable to cheer him up. It wasn’t until Noe, who calls his tears worthless uses the water from a fountain to clean his tears. It was simply hilarious as she forcefully dunks his head into the water. Besides the fact, the jacket brought up something important regarding her grandmother. When she was a child, she cried a lot and didn’t want to leave her side. Her grandmother felt that she needed to grow up and decided to take her tears. When she is ready, she needs to take someone’s tears that are precious. Somehow, her story cheered him up, which allowed him to apologize to Hiromi.

Episode 4 brought a lot of development with Noe’s quest for tears and Shinichiro’s situation. Even though the love triangle isn’t apparent yet, the tension between them is starting to build. From Shinichiro’s mother’s remarks she made to Hiromi after he ran away, it’s also apparent that she is becoming increasingly hostile. Besides these dramatic moments, watching him brush his teeth with face cleanser was the funniest moment of this episode. I was quite surprised how he manages to confuse both of these things. At least he got Hiromi to laugh. Amidst Jun’s favor to have him go out with Noe, things will only get interesting in the next episode.

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