Two weeks later, I have finally returned from my rather long vacation after traveling over 3000 miles in the car! While the activity on my blog took a slight nosedive, I have enjoyed my time and now feel refreshed.
Coincidently, I watched the beach episode today with the girls and Producer going on a one-day vacation to relax from the blistering heat amongst the lack of air conditioning. As you expected, it’s time for fanservice!
Like the other beach episodes from other anime, this one felt so familiar to the one in K-ON, except there is an unnamed male Producer, more girls and everyone staying in a regular inn on the shoreline opposed to a summer home. It had girls having fun on the beach/ocean, a sand castle being built on top of the Producer, scary ghost stories, girls bathing and of course a barbeque. With the ghost stories, it was obviously Iori who told them to Yukiho and Makoto towards the point where they can’t sleep. These stories became more hilarious when it appeared real when Takane was standing in the moonlight at night. Additionally, Producer gets his share of fun with Miki peeping in his bath along with a drink amongst Azusa and Ritsuko.

As for the swimsuits the girls were wearing, it’s obvious that Azusa’s and Takane’s looked amazing and the prettiest out of the group. On the other hand, I felt sympathetic to Chihaya since she felt disheartened about her lack of a bust. It seems like she never gets a break, but at least she is still cute and deserves a hug.
Believe it or not, I have enjoyed this beach episode and surprisingly, the fanservice was pretty tame in this episode. Moreover, the announcement of Ritsuko’s idol unit being officially approved made it more exciting as it was good news for everyone. Now 765 Productions are on the road of becoming recognized and hopefully this development in the next episode will be exciting. I look forward to it!

Ohhh so your back home? Awesome welcome back.
This beach episode wasn’t to bad actually nothing way to ecchi yet! Well besides Miki walking into the producers bath ahaha that was funny. And of course those awesome ghost stories! Those scenes were so funny to watch.
I do like the age range of the idols, I almost forgot how some were really young and some really old kind of a cool mixture if you ask me. I do see some drama happening as in song girls will get picked up and some probably won’t of course this would make others sad and feel they are bad at being an Idol.
Producer still has a lot to work on before he meets the same level Ritsuko is at and I don’t really expect him to get it done right away… but hopefully all the girls won’t get left out of the fun.
For me, I liked the wide selection of personalities the girls has since it’s diverse. While there is a few that kind of bother me (e.g. Iori and to a certain extent, Yukiho) , most of them appealed to me.