The final battle has finally come! It’s time to confront Precia Testarossa and defeat her once and for all.
Even though the infiltration to Precia’s garden seems like a challenge, it’s not. Chrono, Nanoha and Yuuno essentially wiped out all of Precia’s magical robots easily, but that wasn’t the most interesting part. Fate eventually recovers and she finally decides on leaving her past behind. It was kind of surprising how it take her such a long time to realize her mother’s true nature. At the same time not surprising since she is family after all and feels that she has a commitment despite her cruelty. Even so, her last visit to her mom is understandable, even though it was hopeless and eventually she committed suicide along with Alicia.
In the last scene of the show, Nanoha’s meeting with Fate before she gets put on trial was very sweet. They essentially exchange their hair ribbons as a token of their friendship. From this, it appears that they are more than just friends. Nanoha and Fate are actually in love with each other! Sorry YuunoxNanoha shippers, she is already taken…
Final Thoughts
The first season of Mahou Shoujo Lyrical Nanoha is a very enjoyable magical girl show I have seen (besides Madoka Magica) since Cardcaptor Sakura. While it has some resemblance to it, the appearance of Fate in Episode 4 made the story very interesting. Fate was a unique character at the time since she had a dark past with the worst mother in the world and not necessarily evil. While not the first, she is the most memorable and perhaps the most famous example of a dark magical girl. Without her, the show would probably be pretty bland and feel like a rehash.
Besides the plot and character development, I felt that the animation was somewhat lackluster. Sure the effects used look pretty at the time when Nanoha, Fate and others use their magic, but I got a feeling that it could be done better. Fortunately, this criticism won’t matter too much since the movie will have better animation than the former.
Overall, the first season of Nanoha might not be perfect, but it’s a good magical girl series and I feel that the second season will be even better… StrikerS on the other hand, well that is a different story.
Overall Series Rating: 8.4/10, B, Good
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