Providing that decent subs for Hanasaku Iroha isn’t out yet, I may as well try to complete a very familiar magical girl series that I left collecting dust from the summer. That’s right! It’s Nanoha and hopefully I’ll finish this before watching the movie in the coming weeks.
Since the post I have written for Episode 7 got deleted when I tried changing the URL, I may as well revisit it.

What perplexes me about Fate is not the hidden determination or the eyes filled with melancholy, but her willingness to meet her mom. She believes that her mother can return to her old self when it’s quite the opposite. When Fate visited her mom with Aruf, her mom brutally tortured her for only collecting four Jewel Seeds. While Satsuki is irresponsible when it comes to her daughter’s needs, at least she is not the worst mother since she has morals. With Fate’s mom, what she is doing is pure child abuse and Fate just deals with it. Hopefully when this madness is over, she definitely deserves a nice warm hug for all the troubles she went though.
Despite the clash that caused their gems to get damaged, Nanoha still believes she could stop Fate from hurting herself even further when they fight for the grief seeds. This is what I like about her personality, as she is always kind and willing to sort things out even if they are rivals. Sadly, it didn’t work since they almost got into another fight until it got interrupted. So, don’t worry Nanoha, it will eventually pay off and you will get the chance to befriend her… I promise!
After watching Madoka, there are some things I can never see the same in magical girl shows. Imagine if the Soul Gems had the ability to self-repair itself, there wouldn’t be a need for Grief Seeds to purify it. Then again, it would have defeated the purpose of fighting witches. Besides from that, the next episode will finally reveal Yuuno’s true identity… and it’s true, he’s not actually a ferret.
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