With Summer Break finally over, the girls start off fresh with a new term. Later some drama happens as Tooru and Run-chan goes into a fight…
Poor Yuuko… She always seems to sacrifice herself in front of the teacher who wants her to say “Good Morning” so the others can pass through without any trouble. Then again, it has always one of the most enjoyable aspects of her personality, so there was no harm done.

In addition, Tooru has become a very diligent girl when she helps out with her teacher. To me, helping out the teacher once in a while is a good thing since you are showing your appreciation for their hard work that goes into teaching. Unluckily for her, she is given a pile of workbooks and three heavy textbooks to move somewhere. Then, I started to feel sorry for her as Kamade, the gym teacher asks her to get a drink from the vending machine while she carries the books. Helping out is one thing, but exploiting their generosity is never a good thing.

Friendship with other people is an important aspect in life, but sometimes friends could get into disagreements that result in getting angry at each other. Things got a bit rough between Run-chan and Tooru as they started to fight over whether or not she should walk Tooru home. While watching Tooru going on a drinking binge may be uncanny, she knows that friends can’t stay angry forever. She finally apologizes when she leaves a can of juice on Run-chan’s desk. When they finally made up, it was a heartwarming experience and hopefully their friendship will straighten from this.
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