It’s summer time and you know what this means! Beach Episode!
Well, everyone is pretty much excited for summer except Tooru… I kind of feel sorry for her since her body is still undeveloped. None of the bikinis work on her and they will eventually side off her body. She had to resort to Run’s swimsuit that she wore at a child, which is kind of embarrassing if you think about it. Nevertheless, it still looked cute on her.

Not to mention, the containers of ice cream that Yuuko brings has an uncanny resemblance to the ones made by Häagen-Dazs. Also, the mention of ice cream lures Tooru from the blankets. So basically, if you want a person to do a favor for you, make a promise of ice cream and they will do it… it always works!

Before the girls’ last day of classes before vacation, Nagi and Yuuko hang out at the mall. We all know that Yuuko has a body of a model and the creators decided to poke fun at her desirable qualities with an underwear sale that doesn’t have her size. When Nagi mentions this, I burst out laughing. Yuuko gets her chance to shine when she tries out swimsuits that looked perfect on her… and eventually Nagi caves in and tries some out too! It was classic.

As for the girls playing on the beach, it’s good fun. They ate lunch, play beach ball, stand in the water among other things. While playing in the water, Nagi manages to get seaweed on top of her head, which looked kind of cute. Also, you cannot forget Yuuko, which had a sand castle built on top of her body by the other girls, which looked hilarious.
While there is nothing new presented as shown in the last 9000 beach episodes in the past, it was definitely more enjoyable than I remembered. K-ON! had two beach episodes, but they were rehashed. Then again, this beach episode was more enjoyable considering that Yuuko is the center of attention along with Tooru. Hopefully my summer vacation would be just as fun, even though it’s Wisconsin.
Next Episode: More summer fun at school!
AWwwwww swimsuit Nagi! my favorite A channel girl <3
This was a great episode a beach episode done right! Yay!