Episode 2 of Nichijou is more of the same with the addition of very familiar gaming consoles shown in some of the scenes.

As usual, Nano is so cute and is subject to the Professor’s unexpected changes. This time, she modified Nano to dispense roll cake and sweet buns… It’s kind of sad seeing that Nano wishes to become a normal girl. Instead, the Professor is making her into a freak by becoming a caretaker of these cakes and buns. I feel that the Professor is too self-indulgent and not listening to her wishes in a really cute way. Then again, the roll cake wasn’t a lie.

Later, Mio reveals herself as a BL fangirl. Fortunately, she is not nearly as extreme compared to Kondou from Onii-chan no Koto who obsesses about BL at every possible moment. Mio just draws pictures of Sasahara, her crush on free time. She didn’t realize that the drawing was on her homework, which she shares with Yuuko. This results in a chase scene of epic proportions and Mio finally gets her notebook back. Hopefully Yuuko remembers to do her homework next time and don’t rely on her friends after this incident.

Lastly, there are so many cameos of gaming consoles Mai and Sasahara plays with. If you recognize the Nintendo Famicom that Mai was playing a video game on, it’s pretty obvious that Nichiou loves Nintendo. I wouldn’t be surprised if Sasahara was playing Pokémon on his old fashioned Gameboy that made an appearance. In addition, he also played around with the Virtual Boy, the first virtual reality console that flopped so hard. Too bad they didn’t show the newer consoles, especially the 3DS, which is way better than the Virtual Boy since it doesn’t require any glasses.
Also, Misato being so tsuntsun towards him was so hilarious. She was basically shooting every weapon she could find. I’m still surprised how he survived after the powerful shots he receives from her weapons. He must be a super human.
Compared to the last episode, the comedy in this episode has improved a lot and grew on me. Sadly, there were a few jokes that were a hit and miss like Mio’s sister. Nevertheless, I’m still enjoying Nichijou a lot despite some of the flak it’s getting from the blogosphere.
Omg this episode so good I think I am now addicted to this series, lots of video game references and running! So much running it’s unreal how fun those scenes are. Not to mention the Roll cake with Hakase and Nano WOW I couldn’t stop laughing XD
Guess it doesn’t take much to make me laugh 😛