In this incredible episode of Tantei Opera Milky Holmes, Sherlock was quite surprised to meet someone with the same appearance, which is Princess Claris of Marlo. However, Claris desires to live a life as a normal girl so she doesn’t have to marry the man that she does not like…

Sadly, the girls at Milky Holmes are so impoverished that it’s not even funny. Since they are in the rainy season, the room becomes humid with mold growing everywhere and rain going through the ceiling. Even the Toru Toru Bozus that been used several times never seem to work.
To get away from the moldy room, the girls decided to go out. They saw a girl on the huge screen that looks vastly familiar to Sherlock. It’s Princess Claris from whom she takes Sherlock without the girls knowing. In an alley, Claris makes an offer to give Sherlock a dehumidifier to reduce the humidity, mold and mildew in the attic. In exchange, they swapped places so Princess Claris can live a normal life she dreamed and Sherlock dealing with the prince that Claris suppose to wed. In a sense, this situation feels like Parent Trap, but without the parents and instead, little cute girls.
After they swapped places, Sherlock dressed as Claris arrives at the mansion to confront the man he is supposed to marry. When Prince Peloguuli comes, he does things that most girls might be disgusted of.

First, he has Sherlock dress into a nekomimi meido. In addition, he has her act like a maid and a cat girl. Ironically, she went along with it even though Claris would be disgusted of his otaku preferences.

In addition, he is a perverted masochist. Sherlock takes the role of Mio from MM!, she gives him a whipping and wax melting on his nearly naked body. Surprisingly, this was the funniest part of the episode since it reminded me of the sadomasochistic relationship between Mio and Taro. Like a ditz, Sherlock says that she doesn’t mind his perverseness. As a result, the marriage between them goes as planned.
Meanwhile, Claris dressed as Sherlock cries in tears during the girls’ activities such as taking samples, eating one potato and sleeping on one bed. Every time she says something about living a normal life, the rest of the girls laugh at her with the impression that Claris is talking crazy. The way Claris reacts to every normal activity she does reminds me of Tsumugi from K-ON!! that lives a high class life and never experience a normal girl’s life.

Sadly, she is running away from what she wanted to be, a princess. I think living in someone else’s dream you wanted isn’t going to work. Claris would have to confront the person she doesn’t want to marry eventually so she can pursue her goals.

After Claris realized that she wanted to be a princess, she tells the truth. Sadly, none of the girls believe her until she uses the power of π, which is probably the most random thing to recite. It works with the girl’s believing what Claris said about herself. Additionally, The power of π even works on the G4. If only you can solve a problem with π, the world would be a better place.
Fortunately, they made it in time to have Claris say that she doesn’t want to wed with Peloguuli. Oddly enough, he wanted her to say in the first place since he loved Claris’s grandmother instead. After he admits that, he marries her. So yeah, Milky Holmes gets the humidifier Sherlock wanted and she plays princess even though she acts like a sadist.
The swap between Claris and Sherlock was so hilarious that I cannot stop laughing. The absurdity mostly came from Sherlock herself by becoming a nekomimi meido dominatrix as a result of her ditzy personality. If you think this is the end of the absurdity, you are wrong. The next episode is the beach episode with girls wearing swimsuits. I wonder if tsundere Kokoro would show up in a bikini… We have to wait until the next episode to find out.

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