Well, it’s the obligatory beach episode. Nothing can possibly go wrong with this episode, right?
Wrong, the treatments/experiments was a complete failure. Dipping Taro into the shark infested oceans and putting tiny crabs on him did not heal his masochism. I think that all the girls are caving into his masochism by giving what he wants. If you want to cure someone, just practice self-control.
Like the last chaotic episode with Taro’s sister and mother, there is some romantic development with Yuuno. It seems that she genuinely cares about Taro even though she is scared of men. This was shown when Taro takes her boating and the summer festival where they scoop goldfish and eat cotton candy. They are a cute couple like Inami and Souma sans the crossdressing.

Unfortunately, Taro has a big love pentagon that makes love between Yuuno and himself so fierce. Noa likes him too after she was saved by him from her evil plans. Since he promised to play with her, she drags Taro’s and Yuuno’s raft by a mechanical shark. After they were pulled, she has Yuuno and Taro play house. This is where Yuuno and Noa fight over each other for Taro. To make things chaotic, the other girls including the trap Tatsukichi joins in the fight over Taro. Ultimately, they become a big home wrecker.

The moments where Yuuno and Noa fought with each other like a school play were the hilarious parts of the episode. Like most males, Taro is into girls that are well endowed and not girls that look like a child. Noa feels so upset by the girls’ appearance that she uses some sort of medicine to do make herself more desirable. Sadly, this pisses off a lolicon who likes Noa as she is.

Unlike episode 5, they didn’t spend all the time with a Super Sayian battle with each other. After their battle, things turned back to normal in a snap with a summer festival. The girls, especially Yuuno looked pretty cute in her Yukata. She talked like a tsundere when she hand Taro the cotton candy, which sounded cute.
This episode had lots of fanservice in this episode since it was the beach episode. I am still surprised that they haven’t used the ever so clichéd panty shots shown in various fan service shows. To make up for that, there are lots of bouncing breasts going around. I still wonder what girl will Taro choose as his girlfriend. With a fierce battle, I think it will be difficult choice. I won’t be surprised if Taro decides to choose Yuuno based on several episodes that developed their relationship. It seems that the creators are heading in that direction.
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