Unlike the wacky Dragonball Z parody, which was shown in the last episode, this episode has less of that and more of the mother and older sister who seem to be extremely close to Taro that he gets annoyed…
For this episode’s masochism, Taro had some intense military training. Mio in an army dress forces Taro to cross a field of underground mines. This makes me wonder, how can anyone possibly survive after landing on a mine. Well, Taro did just that and was sunk into the ground. I guess the whole military training thing was a bust. In addition, I laughed pretty hard when Taro act like a horse while Mio sits on his back. It’s not so surprising since animal role-play is part of the wide variety of BSDM activities. From the looks of it, they haven’t drift too far away from Taro’s masochism.

Later, Yuuno for whom she was wearing a nurse’s outfit punches Taro when they went into contact while picking up her hat. It was simply the cherry on top of the masochist sundae.
This failed experiment reminds me of the numerous plans that Mio and Michiru executes to cure his masochism. It ends up being a failure since Taro still enjoys the pain he receives. They should practice self-control and not use him as a punching bag. Otherwise, he is going to ask for more.

It seems that the fall season has a good deal of incest, which most moral people complained about. Well, there is a bit of jealousy between Tomoko and Shizuka with Yuuno. They try so hard to sabotage Yuuno by asking her embarrassing questions, filling Taro’s room with men stuff, show Yuuno her Taro’s album and admitting that they liked Taro. In the end, their shenanigans were a big failure. Since the failures were so epic, I can’t help but burst with laugher throughout the episode.
When Yuuno and Taro departs, he gets angry with his mother and sister. They try to escape… but Michiru catches them and is going to take a photo-shoot of them. The imaginary shots have Shizuka wearing a swimsuit with glasses and Tomoko in a naked apron. The shots looked pretty hot.
As I watched through MM!, I can’t help to think about Ookami-san (Help/Counseling Organization, crossdresser, and long haired tsundere), Working (androphobic girl and eccentric cast) and Mayoi Neko Overrun (Random Parody of Dragon Ball Z and the violent tsundere). Well, it’s not a bad thing since MM! turned out to be rather good. What surprised me the most is the lack of fanservice. Xebec is famous for producing shows that has a lot of fanservice, but this one is an exception. They try to over up every fanservice shot they could find in the show that it was impossible to find a panty shot anywhere. This is probably why I haven’t complained about it after I watched the six episodes.
Lastly the ending of the episode where Shizuka and Tomoko was dressed in a school uniform was funny. They seem to be so despite to win Taro’s heart so Yuuno would lose her opportunity. To make it funnier, they even kissed him even though he refuses. Even though it’s morally wrong to do it in real life, we finally have some wincest which Yousuga no Sora failed to do.

We may be getting Sora’s route at the end of Yosuga no Sora though!
Moralists should be relieved that the wincest in the anime has been toned down. In the novels it’s way more explicit (well, not that explicit, but in one scene for example Shizuka sneaks into Tarou’s bed wearing a skimpy bikini and begging him to impregnate her -literally-)
True… most studios won’t go that far since it would alienate the viewers… The irony is, I am expecting hard core incest in Yosuga no Sora considering how trashy it is so far… the trashyness pretty much turned me off and made me watch something else involving an army and fox girls.
I see that Naru-IMEAN-Arashiko Punch is ferocious as usual. Can’t wait to get my hands on the ep!
In no doubt you will enjoy it like I did…
I have a bad feeling that the relationship between Yuuno and Taro is going to end up like Inami and Souta. I hope not.