In this fun filled episode of Tantei Opera Milky Holmes, the four girls gains a rival in capturing the criminals. The Genius 4 makes an appearance on the television. Not only that, Kokoro, a twin tail tsundere flips the bird ON TV! I thought this was a children’s show? I guess not.
Continuing on JC Staff’s love for Tsunderes, they had shown Kokoro, which seems to be a very cocky and violent girl. It makes me wonder, does JC Staff needs to have a generic tsundere in every show they make? It’s not a bad thing, but I want to see something more original for once.
From the looks of it, the Genius 4 seems to be a bit classier and mature looking compared to Milky Holmes. They seem to be better because the girls in Milky Holmes kind of lost their powers. Kokoro eventually throws all the girls in Milky Holmes in jail for breaking their laptop that was being used to track the criminals. Eventually, the student council president had to release them since it would be embarrassing for the school.
Talking about powers, Kokoro had the girls in Milky Holmes play some “Twister” style game in an attempt to regain their powers. Personally, I think this is was a pointless activity because there is no way they could possibly get their powers from some difficult and rather impossible moves on the platform. Of course, the Les Yay bothered Hercule too much that she ran away with embarrassment. She eventually goes back to the museum to do it again.
Unfortunately, the criminals besides Arsène reappeared at the museum, trying to place a fake version of the statue back where they stole the original. When they saw the girls, they try to fight them… The funny thing is that the girls were running away rather than fighting the criminals. It makes it seem so lame! Also, Twenty was stripping his clothes off until his speedo was showing. When he was almost naked, Hercule runs away from him with fear. This makes me wonder, who would ever hire a perverted teacher like that in an ALL GIRLS SCHOOL!
Later, Cordelia gets lock in a stone casket with Twenty. He does perverted things to Cordelia. With a miracle, Hercule suddenly regains her toys to take the cover off. After she used her powers, she loses them just like that. Probably Arsène is manipulating the girl’s power to make them suck so they would have an easier time stealing goods from museums. Time will tell until Arsène’s suppression of the girls’ power becomes ineffective.
This episode like the last one continues on its sugary cuteness and fun comedy. Even though the girls looked helpless when it comes to capturing the criminals. In the end, they will eventually break the suppressing of their powers and start kicking butt again.
I think the perception of excessive moe had given this show a bad reputation. Sure, I have lost some intelligence from watching this. To me, I felt that Milky Holmes was underrated and I think it has some potential of being fun despite the girls being so ditzy.
Lastly, I loved the expression on Cordelia’s face after Hercule saved her and her fear for the dark… it was so silly that it felt like a guilty pleasure.

I have read your reviews for episodes 1 to 3 of this show, and I agree with you. I am very impressed with Milky Holmes. In my opinion, it is the funniest anime this season. The characters are really cute and very silly too, but that is all right as it makes them even more adorable. I feel like cheering for them! Also, every episode has a very creative and original story, the jokes are all completely fresh! And, even when the girls are going through hardships, their reactions are so cute and funny that we just can’t take the situation seriously! I absolutely like this show a lot.
I have a theory about what is the problem with the lost powers of the four girls. They had a teacher, Kobayashi Opera, who has disappeared. They mention this person a lot, so we know it’s an important character. I think teacher Opera might be the one behind the mysterious lightning that stole the powers from the girls. If I’m right, teacher Opera did this because the girls relied too much on “powers” instead of smarts and skills. Teacher Opera probably thinks that they must learn how to be good detectives even without powers.
I suspect both Arsène and Kokoro like pink-haired heroine Sherlock a lot. They won’t admit it — Arsène as “Student Council President” is cold to her and Kokoro is very tsundere — but I’m sure they are both under the charm of her cuteness. In fact, when Arsène as “President” punishes them, I think the reason is that she wants to push them to regain their powers soon. Remember, in episode one, she seemed very happy (in a sexy way!) about Sherlock always chasing after her. (Perhaps Les Yay? Hehe.)
It’s worth mentioning that this isn’t based off any source material… and the visual novel is going to be released after the anime is finished. In a way, it is done in the same manner of Animeno Chikara project, but inject 2x more moe… and the best part is that you don’t know what will happen in the next episode until it airs.
I cannot say I don’t enjoy it because I enjoy it a lot. The cuteness and the ridiculousness of the jokes pretty much add to the enjoyability of the show…
This series rocks as a parody of the Kaitou anime genre and also as a moe parody: it likes to break the conventions, everything about it is over the top and yet it has a solid storyline. The constant style parodies lead to great hilarious moments. Like the scene with Cordelia and Twenty inside the stone coffin, it was scary and yet so funny I was laughing all the time. And the police team in this episode is crazier even than Milky Holmes. This series keeps surprising me.
Overall it’s a big success and I’ll keep watching it as it’s of the best of the new series this season.
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Although it’s not 100% perfect, its still enjoyable from my opinion made in the last comment… Cuteness is one of those factors.