After I watched this episode, I changed my mind about MM!. This episode like the last episode focused on the various problems the people in the club want to resolve. In this particular episode, it focused on Yunno’s androphobia that have been developed as a result of her trauma in the past.
Yunno reminded me of Inami from Working! since she had the same condition. Inami’s androphobia was developed from her father who did not want her to date any men and be extremely protective of her. In contrast, Yuuno’s situation felt a bit more dramatic considering that her boyfriend caused her condition. Since she was so popular, boys would always ask her out even though she had no interest. Unfortunately, Yunno was forced to date a very popular model in middle school since she did not want to hurt the boy’s feelings. On the date, her boyfriend forcefully kisses her. In defense, Yunno scratches him and he got pretty angry.
Ironically, Yunno was one of causes of awaking Taro’s masochistic personality. When she punches him as a result of her condition, it revealed his masochistic personality. Eventually, he was isolated from the student body since everyone thinks that he was a pervert. In a way, their problems have a lot of similarities since it was triggered through certain circumstance. In addition, it is difficult to cure. Since they understood their circumstances, it might become interesting to see how their relationship develops throughout the story.

On a lesser note, the trap, Tatsukichi reappeared to help Yunno with her math. Unlike last time, Tatsukichi was in oujo attire. S(he) even makes fun of Mio bust sizes and even gropes them with her alternate personality. However, Mio was not impressed by the ridicule and uses violence against Tatsukichi. The reaction from Tatsukichi and Mio simply made me laugh.
Lastly, like the last episode, Mio decides to give his pain by putting him in boiling water. It makes me wonder, would he actually survive after staying in the boiling water for so long? Boiling water seems to be an unrealistic and cruel way to generate pain considering that it would cause extensive injuries. Also, the person would be fried after being in the boiling water for so long. To top that off, Yuuno punches him and Taro flies out of the school building. Even though no person can survive from such pain in real life, it was still pretty funny.
Episode 2 of MM! changed my opinions about being a mixed bag. I think the show has some potential, as long they don’t drift too far way from the story and of course, the sadomasochism. Not to mention, Yunno is really cute. :p
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