With Junichi starting his quest for love all over again, we start with another girl and another freshman that seems to know what guys want… more perverted stuff like looking at panties and such under a girl’s skirt.
Nanasaki Ai has a vastly different personality compared to Sae’s timid personality. Nanasaki seems to be the flirty type and always teases the males over looking under her skirt or something. She shows this behavior with her first encounter with the boys, implying that all males are perverts off the bat… 1
Whoa! Is Nanasaki a freaking psychic or what? In addition of Nanasaki being a psychic, she also teases Junichi and accuses him of wanting to look under her skirt. Unfortunately, it’s only a swimsuit 2, which left Junichi with a disappointed look. Does this mean that Junichi will develop a fetish for swimsuits? Maybe…
In comparison to the previous arcs, this arc is no exception to Junichi’s perverseness by the reactions he gets from Nanasaki. Also, his desire to grope Karou’s butt pretty much says this: “Hey look, I am a big pervert and I love to grope girls butts and breasts, kiss bellybuttons, look at girl’s panties, etc.” Doesn’t look that good for Junichi since girls would become scared of him… or maybe not.
Lastly, Miya personality pretty much stays the same. She still teases her older brother and annoys him about the raffle that includes a trip to Hawaii. She even goes so far to write on his forehead about it. This probably pisses him off so much that he wishes that Miya’s mouth were sealed shut.
Overall, I think this arc is going to be better than the last one. I think Nanasaki is a pretty interesting girl. I’m also pretty interested what Junichi will do to her this time considering we did not have the fetish kiss in Sae’s arc. Don’t disappoint me!
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