Well, this was perhaps the most enjoyable arc out of the series that tried to differentiate itself from the earlier arcs. It was filled with so much cuteness, moe and perverseness that it could not compare.

Ever since the first episode, Sae was an extremely timid girl and she had a hard time communicating to people. This has left her at a huge disadvantage because she could not interact with people or make any friends. With her aspiration to work in a cafΓ© part time, she works on her social skills with the help from Junchi and his younger sister Miya. By doing this, her confidence was boosted that allowed her to interact with people and serve people at her job. On the plus side, she is exceptionally cute, especially when she was wearing the maid outfit. Even though she looked cute, her voice was slightly annoying at times, but tolerable. Furthermore, you can’t forget the foot pool scene where Sae couldn’t deal with the fish touching her that caused her to make some erotic moans.
Let’s not forget, even though Sae has a pretty good taste for clothing, she does make some choices that most boys would make. For instance, she wanted to see a live showing of Inago Mask Rangers. Once Junchi takes her there to see it, she is pretty into it, until the villain took her and wraps her in his tentacles. Afterwards, she was pretty frightened and embarrassed.
Compared to the previous arcs, Junchi becomes a big perverted alien as some like to call him. The perverted things range from undressing himself in front of Sae, having her change into her gym clothes (and do naughty things like having her take her gym pants off) and swimsuit quickly, groping her breasts, and have her talk on the windy school roof. Some of the perverted actions Junchi does in front of Sae cause Miya to storm in and give him a painful punishment.
Since we mentioned Miya, she pretty much made Sae’s arc pretty enjoyable in trying to keep Junchi in line. She controlled all the clothing decisions for Sae to meet her older brother tastes. I consider her as a supporting figure for Sae, even though Junchi did most of the work. Even so, she took most of the spotlight in the first two episodes.
In contrast to the previous arcs, Sae’s love for Junchi was very apparent. She first shows her love for him when Junchi asked about her if she wanted to be his younger sister. Because of her refusal, this signaled that Sae wanted a relationship more than just being siblings. In the third and forth part of her arc, they confessed and became more like couples, which was a lovely thing.
The Narrator was okay in the first episodes, but became slightly annoying towards the end. In addition to the narrator, Haruka makes a random appearance in nearly every episode with her crashing into Junchi, giving Miya the Marshmallow Hell, giving relationship advice to Junchi and participating in the couple festival. Did she have an arc in the beginning of the season? Even so, her appearances were random, weird and pretty enjoyable to look at.
In conclusion, Sae’s arc was sweet and fun. However, it did not reach the expectations of Kaoru’s arc simply because it lacked the emotional impact. In addition, Sae’s arc lacked the fetish kiss that most were hoping for and they played it safe by having them kiss on the lips in the forth and final part of her arc. Even if they did not kiss in unusual places, it was a fun and cute arc to see.

Overall Rating
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