Finally got caught up and from these three episodes, Yuri goal is to eliminate Tenshi (real name: Tachibana Kanade) because Yuri thought Tenshi was the god… The only problem is that she isn’t and couldn’t rebel because she is the student council president.
Yuri is a big bully and the SSS is becoming a gruesome bullying group. She intended of making Kanade loose in the baseball game just to make her cry? Also, what about the breaking into her room just to get information on her? Now, Yuri executed her plan to make Kanade fail all her exams just to ruin her reputation and have her kicked out of student council? Well, yes… and that was the result of it after the exams were over. Like with Haruhi, Yuri has no morals or even proof that Kanade is actually god or not… Just go ahead and go along with the Anti-Tenshi plans without knowing damn well that Tenshi is a human like all of them meant to be.
In contrast to Yuri’s bullying… it’s just as gruesome as real life bullying. Bullies have no morals and just doing it because they have no self esteem and think that by bulling a student or a person that is weaker than them, it will make them more powerful… What would that do to help the victim? With bystanders not doing to protect the victim from the bully… what would that do to the victim with all the pain and suffering like with Kanade is suffering after losing her position in student council after the SSS tried to sabotage her tests?
Tachibana Kanade needs a warm hug… I feel sorry for her on how she is mistreated by Yuri’s outrageous plans to get rid of her.
Away from the Kanade bullying by Yuri… I felt that the 4th and 5th episodes being very enjoyable and funny. However, the 3rd episode was filled with melodrama. Iwasawa’s story was very sad and I sympathize with her since she never got to finish her goals because the injury caused by one of the parents fighting. The music is exactly what I have said in my review of Crow Song single, so no need for the explanation…
This also brings up a new point after watching Episode 5, even good people who rebel even get eliminated… and also, Tenshi didn’t get eliminated after she was removed from student council, so I don’t really know what is Yuri’s reasoning that if you obey Tenshi, you will get eliminated. That is simply not true at all.
With the 4th Opening done by Yui’s singer, LiSA (don’t know why, but they probably don’t want the voice actor for Yui to sing) which was pretty decent, but I still perfer the Piano version.
Overall, although the comedy scenes are out of place, I think it is still a very good series so far. The animation has been really good so far compared to the first episode. Perhaps, they will animate Little Busters! next? Who knows…
While I do sorta see what Yuri’s after (she said so in one of the earlier episodes), I think she’s pretty much in denial around eps 4-5 because the evidence is already overwhelming that Kanade’s not one of the higher powers that be. That makes the bullying all the more inexcusable.
Loving this series and trying to unravel the mysteries underlying it is what keeps it engaging for me.
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It makes me wonder if they will still target her even she isn’t the one… If they do… I will officially lose faith in Yuri… :p
This is very amusing. I am a big fan of Tenshi (real name: Tachibana Kanade) as well and I also felt sorry for her at the end of episode 5 but I find it silly that everyone now thinks that Yuri is some horrible mean evil ogre that is bullying poor helpless, defenseless sick tenshi who was just trying to sell flowers to raise money for her sick grandma.
I am sorry but Tenshi is far from helpless and despite their best efforts the SSS has been unable to defeat her. Up until now all they have been able to do is delay her despite the use of automatic weaponry. Tenshi is quite lethal in combat and does not mind killing unarmed confused civilians or ruining concerts that her fellow students enjoy. She has also never felt the need to properly explain herself. I love the girl but helpless she is not.
Contrary to popular belief if you are at war it is not just expected it is irresponsible to not engage in intelligence activities. It is also pretty standard to use psychological warfare to break your enemy’s will to fight.
Yuri despite the stupidity and reckless behavior is simply engaging in logical military tactics for taking out someone she sees as a lethal enemy.
Yuri has no logic behind the claims of the world, it’s best not to believe what she says.
She does think that Tachibana is a soulless monster though. I think the notion that Tachibana is human would shock Yuri.
Like I said… Assumptions are dangeous… And this case yes. Still wonder I they still target her even she is a human.
This series is good. It has unique plot and it goes well smooothly and well timed. The animation is good and the kanade playing My Soul, Your Beats! piano in the opening video is the cream of the top. If only the producers can release a solo piano concert (animation) of Kanade-chan then i’m willing to get stabbed 10000 times^^