It’s almost the end of summer and Fujimoto has to go to a college conference since Doumoto asked him to since he missed the other. Sayaka convinces Fujimoto to go and he does. Kobato covers for him for the rest of the day, despite of her being clumsy and all.
While Kobato was working, Ioryogi tries to untie that stupid ribbon. Sayaka notices that it came off and she ties it back on. When Fujimoto finds out that the ribbon is untied yet again, he ties it so that Ioryogi couldn’t take it off.
Meanwhile, at the Baumkuchen Bakery, we learn about the separate worlds, the heavenly world, human world, underworld, and spirit world. Apparently, Ioryogi wanted something from the heavenly world that he “tried to slip in quietly and steal it like the Devil’s brat.” This makes me think that Ioryogi had some kind of love interest with one angel that he want to steal it. As a result, they are punished by their forms they turned into and the only way to turn back into their original forms is for Kobato to fill the bottle and have her wish granted. After Genko said that, Ginsei has already left…
Also with Ioryogi, it seems that Kobato had a hard time saying his name… never mind me, I don’t even know how to say it.
While Kobato took a break at the park, Ginsei takes the bottle and Ioryogi and Ginsei goes on a chase and ultimately into a showdown since Ginsei wants Ioryogi to come back to the Spirit World, although Ioryogi had something that he needs to accomplish. Ginsei almost destroyed the bottle, but didn’t when he remembered something that Genko said that Ioryogi had changed ever since he was living with Kobato. Ginsei places the bottle on the ground and left. Meanwhile, Kobato was looking for Ioryogi, when Fujimoto finally spots him in the park with the bottle.
Overall, it’s a pretty interesting episode… If you haven’t read Wish, you might not know what is going on… but yeah… Also, this quote that Kohaku made is very funny towards the end of the episode…
It seemed like he was having fun playing tag with a friend from the spirit world, so I didn’t call out to him.
– Kohaku
and yes, Ioryogi looks cute with that ribbon… and Kobato ties one back at the end of the episode and plan to tie another.
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