Episode 9 is a mix of serious and funny moments and focusing more on Chizuru.
In the meeting, Kurimu decides that they should read books… and guess what book she chooses to read…

Yep, it’s Little Red Riding Hood like it says on the cover, which pretty much shows that Kurimu is a child… *runs* Ken then asks whats Minatsu is reading, and she is reading action packed shouen manga… then she takes out a notebook filled with names of criminals (should remind you of a familiar anime) and Ken sees an Apple eaten out of nowhere which makes him scared.
Ken knowing that Mafuyu was reading something he doesn’t seem to like, it makes her upset since Ken spent less time with her, but decides to ask her anyways… After shoving the yaoi into Ken’s face, they get into an argument about love with Yaoi and Bishoujo games (or eroge). No wonder males are so scared of Mafuyu… except Ken…

Lastly, he asks Chizuru and she was reading a book about getting rid of annoying people which makes Ken to beg for forgiveness. She places the book back in the pile and takes a love fortune telling book. She follows the fortunes in the book, but it doesn’t work out. Chizuru have Ken do a handshake which lasted a few minutes when Kurimu interrupts them by throwing herself into the handshake to get the fortune telling book. Chizuru tells the results saying the first person who jumps in is jealous. After telling, she leaves the room, causing everyone else to be surprised. After Chizuru left, they found a letter, which was eventually read by Mamiru.
The fortune telling part kinda reminds me of Clannad in Yukine’s arc when she decides to do some fortune telling that deals with love and Sunohara goes for it and ends up being unsuccessful… but it did work with Tomoya when he gets locked in a gym equipment locker with Kyou (actually, there is alot more choices with this in the visual novel) and we know what happens. =p

No, it’s not a love letter and mistaken it was for Kurimu, but actually for Chizuru’s from Kanade, about something that happened a long time ago which Kanade did something bad to her because she was jealous because everyone was attracted to Chizuru’s warmness and kindness although she doesn’t hate Kanade.
At one time in your life, you may have a feeling of jealousy towards your friend because they are getting more attention from other people and not you. This can cause you to do something you not intend to do and harm your friend out of jealousy even if you didn’t want to and end up hurting your friendship… It happens, but you can’t be angry at them forever…

Meanwhile, Ken, Kurimu, Minatsu and Mafuyu are worried since they have read the letter and know about it since Mamiru read the letter. Also knowing on how mad Chizuru will get from a past event with Kurimu eats the last pudding in the fridge, resulting Chizuru squeezing her cheeks for three days and night, they try to cover it up, Chizuru comes back and they accidentally spit it out, but Chizuru didn’t get angry since she intended for them to read it since she addressed it to the Student Council. Chizuru decides to do the handshake again with Ken, but Kurimu jumps in and the fortune revealing that Ken is indiscriminate.
Overall, the seriousness and also the funny parts fit in pretty well… The funniest part in this episode is Mayfuyu and Ken arguing about BL and eroge and which is better… This is probably the best pure-comedy/slice of line in this season in my opinion. It seems that the series was designed more to be a Anime/Manga opposed to being a light novel.
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