We are so close to see Haruka and Yuuto kiss on the lips… but failed again… They seem to like pushing this longer…
With Akiho and Gentou talking about what happened on New Years Day and they kissed each other in a special place at sunrise of the new year. Meanwhile, Yuuto arrives at the festival and he sees Shiina with her friends. Then, Haruka came out of the limbo and causes Shiina to regret not wearing her Kimono. While Haruka was walking with Yuuto, she was separated by a group of fangirls. Yuuto went to the shrine to receive his fortune and he realized that Mika was there giving his fortune and he realized that Nanami, Hazuki and Alice-chan was there to helping out a real shrine maiden, since she was busy. Yuuto then reads the fortune and sees that something very good will happen if he spend time alone with her. Afterwards, Yuuto was walking with Nobunaga amazed by the anime and movies that will be airing next year. Meanwhile, Haruka was still with a bunch of girls, but she wanted to be with Yuuto. She receives a good fortune from Mika, and she splits off from the group with them complaining. After Yuuto said goodbye to the group, he spends time with Haruka. Meanwhile, Mika, Nanami, Hazuki and Alice-chan spied on them, they were soon surrounded by people who want their fortune. While Yuuto and Haruka was walking, Yuuto bumped into a mysterious girl. Not revealing her name, she sees someone she knows and hides behind Yuuto and Haruka. After someone left, she left and thanking them for hiding her. Then that someone came over which reveals to be the manager for Miran, a singer and she comes over and asks for Haruka’s name. She wanted her to sign up, but interrupted by a phone call saying she came back. In a hurry, she have Haruka her business card to contact her. Afterwards, they stopped to have some sweet sake, but while they were drinking, Haruka started to fell weird and while she was going to throw it out, she fell and Yuuto caught her and her Kimono started to become undone. They went to a empty shed to have her fix it, but Haruka wanted Yuuto to stay with him. Yuuto looking away, she started to undress, but she became scared by something and falls onto Yuuto and it was only a black cat. Haruka’s body started to burn up and she doesn’t know what is happening to her. They started to kiss and when their lips nearly touched each other, a flag pole fell and hit Yuuto’s head, stopping the kiss. After Haruka was fully dressed, they went to the special place where they kissed each other on the cheek (why?) and they watch the sunset of the new year.
Another very sweet episode with Haurka and Yuuto… that it causes Diabetes… Fanservice is pretty minimal besides from Haruka only being in her underwear in the shed and they tried to kiss each other on the lips… but interrupted again… I’m guessing this is a running gag in this season, but I am hoping they would at least kiss each other on the lips hopefully soon… or I will go Tsundere on them for not doing it… =o
The episode was pretty good… but I wonder, how long they going to keep going with Haruka and Yuuto being very close to kissing each other and being interrupted… Come on Yuuto, make your move on her already! You came this far, don’t let the opportunity slide by.
Besides from that, the episode had three references to To Aru Kagaku no Index, Marimite, and Ladies vs Butlers… Wow…. Besides from that, Miran makes a cameo appearance shown bellow:
In actually, she is voiced by Nabatame Hitomi (she also sung all the songs by her under that name) and also the same voice for Ruko.
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