Haruka is on the sidelines again, but Yuuto spends more time with Alice-chan… and also a unexpected guest arrived that happens to be someone that was at Haruka’s birthday party in the last season.
Yuuto was dreaming about Haruka with only a maid apron on. While he was sleeping. Nanami, Hazaki and Alice-chan was there trying to wake him up, but they eventually forced him out of bed and into the limbo. Yuuto found out that he was invited to the 95th Year-end Maid and Butler Union Party and he was registered as a butler for serving Touka (see Episode 3 and you know what I’m talking about). He dressed and they soon arrived at Haruka’s place, where the event was being held. When they arrived, the Nogizaka Maid Team introduces themselves, but Yuuto realizes that No2 Maid was missing which causes them to be in shock. He got off the subject, knowing that it’s not good. At the party room, Nanami and Hazaki after Hazaki started the party left Alice-chan with Yuuto. Alice-chan started to get the food, but made a big mess… Then, Mudou walks over and tells him that Touka have seem to become kinder. Then, he took notice of Alice-chan and Yuuto introduces her… which caused her to become uncomfortable and everyone taking notice and surrounding her. Then, Kusumoto Minamo-dono came over to apologize and breaks everyone attention off Alice-chan. It was soon revealed that she can become a representative when the maid leader isn’t present.
Meanwhile, the a-hole named Shuuto Sutherland arrives at the party, but not yet in the party room. Meanwhile, they have a bingo game and Alice-chan was staring at the toy frog while Yuuto wanted to get the rice cooker. While the game was going on, Alice-chan becomes nervous and ended up going in a corner. Yuuto finally gets bingo and he gives up on the rice maker for the toy frog to make Alice-chan happy. Soon, Shuuto Southerland arrives at the party and sees Yuuto. Yuuto not pretending who he his, Shuto tells him name and Yuuto remembers him being punished by his father at Haruka’s Party. Shuto attempted to retaliate at Yuuto, but held back. It was revealed that Shuto is forced to be a butler by his father to reeducate him. While he was laughing, he bumps into Alice-chan and got the drink spilled on him. Alice-chan tried to clean it up, but Shuto begins to bully Alice-chan which causes others to catch attention on what Shuto is doing. Knowing what terrible things Shuto is doing to her, Yuuto comes over and is angry at Shuto, but ended up doing his commands and Shuto pouring wine on his head and insults all the maids and butlers saying that they are just servents. Then, Yuuto lashes out at Shuto saying that Alice isn’t just a servant, and he feels the same way to Hazaki, Nanami and everyone else are kind, warm, and always thinking the best for them and they are irreplaceable,valuable people. After Yuuto lashed out at him, Shuto lashes out and want his servants to beat Yuuto up, but Nanami interrupted him. Shuto then commanded them to go after the Nogizaka Maids, but they refused.

Then, Shuto went after them and he ended up in a beating by Nanami and Hazaki.

Then, Kusumoto gives the phone to Shuto which was his father calling which causes him to become angry for what he did and he authorizes every maid and butler to give Shuto a grave punishment and he was beaten up.
After Shuto was punished, Yuuto went over to Alice-chan and saw that her Gerloian is ruined and planning to get a replacement, but Alice-chan doesn’t want to and said that Yuuto gave it to her and it was special. Nanami and Hazaki took notice that Yuuto made Alice-chan speak and weren’t able to have her talk for half a year. Kusumoto came over and thanks him for expressing his true and positive feeling about them which made them happy and everyone started to clap and then Alice, Nanami and Hazaki huged Yuuto.

Remember that A**hole named Shuto Sutherland, the arrogant bastard who wanted to win over Haruka, but when he got there… he was too late… Haruka was already taken by Yuuto… He is here again and ends up getting his a** kicked again and pwned by Yuuto in his speech and also Hazaki and Nanami kicking him and the other punishing him badly. A-hole Shuto finally got his justice served for bullying Alice-chan, which is a big no-no to bully a young girl… (haven’t Shuto seen Hayate no Gotoku? Butlers don’t act like that!)
This is why Yuuto is one of the best male leads (besides the ones from Key/VisualArts Visual Novels) that he is extraordinarily nice and kind… which is why he already earned his respect… Shuto on the other hand is a complete a-hole which everyone hates and want to use as a punching bag. Alice-chan talking towards the end is extremely adorable and her hopping as a frog before Shuto crashed the party…
Besides from the content, I am pleased that Diomedea got into their senses that they don’t have to put a lot of fanservice to make a good episode… This episode in my opinion like the second episode brought back what made the first season a pretty good show. Hopefully they won’t let me down and keep it going like this… but who knows… since I enjoyed this episode and didn’t complain about fanservice for the longest time…
kero kero Alice is cute
.-= FFVIIKnight´s last blog ..Umineko no Naku Koro ni Episode X =-.