To catch up with the series, I watched Episode 3 and 4 and they were pretty funny filled with comedy and some fanservice… *cough* It seems that Haruka’s younger sister, Mika have very dirty thoughts for her age…
Episode 3
Yuuto tries to find his way to Haruka’s house so that they can study, but can’t find his way because the map Haruka made is confusing. Then, he found a young girl who looked at his map, tore it up and remade the map that is easier to read. Once they arrived at the house, he arrived at the house and one of the maids, Hazuki and guides him to the long path to Haruka’s house. After thirty minutes, they arrived at where Haruka is studying. After he entered the room, he realized that there is no anime posters in her room. Haruka reveals that her father said Anime and Manga are bad for learning and he is going to throw them away if he sees them. Then they start studying and Haruka reveals that her family is out. While studying, he gets distracted with Haruka and accidentally dropped the eraser onto the floor. When Yuuto tries to pick it up, Haruka was also going to pick it up. Then, the door burst open and Nanami and Mika fell onto the floor.

Soon they made their introductions and then Mika being surprised because it’s the first time her sister brought a guy home. They try to deny it, but they don’t buy it. Then, Mika takes him out of the hall way and asks about Akiba, but he pretends not knowing about it although she doesn’t buy it. Then, she soon ask if he knows about her sister’s secret and he said he doesn’t which caused Mika to tickle him while Nanami was going him. Then, she asks her seriously and he admits it by chance. Her family knows about it since she doesn’t seem to hide it well from her family and her father is the only one that havent noticed.

Next day, after taking the test, Haruka talks about going to Natsucomi. While walking, she was knocked down by a running guy and her bag fell to the floor and revealing the catalog for the convention. Knowing that her secret will be let out, Yuuto tries to cover it up, but leading Haruka to be absent for more than three days. Yuuto at the meantime was getting negative reputation of being a Otaku and having hate notes in his shoe locker and having a student saying to keep away from Haruka… Later that day, he arrives at the house and Mika reveals that her sister locked herself in her room and Nanami and Hazuki thinks it was him, but he didn’t and it was a accident and he tried to cover it up. In trying to get Haruka out of the room, Mika tries to do something which led Haruka to get upset, but after seeing him, goes and lock himself back into the room. Then, Hazuki takes the chainsaw out of nowhere but Yuuto have her stop and explained why he did so, but what Yuuto done to cover it up is troubling Haruka because everyone would look at him weirdly because being a Otaku is considered bad. Mika then tells her the incident where Haruka’s secret was revealed in middle school and she had to transfer schools since she lost her friends. Back in Haruka’s room, she is afraid that everyone will leave him because of being a “otaku” and that being alone isn’t good. Then, Yuuto promises to stand at her side so she won’t be alone no matter what.
Next day, he confronts a guy who doesn’t want Yuuto going out with Haruka since he thinks that Yuuto would corrupt her with Otaku culture, but Haruka grabs him and throws him telling him not to talk Yuuto disrespectfully and sying that the catalog was hers.
Episode 3
Mika, Nanami, Haruka and Yuuto was spying on Hazuki because she was acting strange. They followed Hazuki at a stuffed toy shop, a mall, cafe, and a another shop. After Hazuki left the suffed toy shop, Asakura finds Haruka cosplaying, but Nanami distracts Asaukura and they continued on their pursuit. Nanami and Mika was lingerie shop that made Yuuto uncomfortable and made him ran out of the building and knocking into a girl named Shiina again. After realizing they have met before, she leaves and Haruka comes and follows Hazuki. Then, the drunk teacher, Yukari appeared and hugs him and Yuuto tries to make her get off and after doing that, they ran. In the next destination, Haruka and Yuuto finds Hazuki at a cafe and then Yuuto’s sister, Ruko comes out and talks with them. Haruka seems to admire Ruko although Yuuto knows her true self. Soon, Hazuki was talking to a man and they go into the shop. Jumping to conclusions, Haruka and Yuuto thinks that Hazuki was going to get married to that guy. They tried to go in, but they were dragged into the bridal shop and Yuuto was dressed. Soon, Haurka came into the room dressed in a wedding dress and they soon take pictures. Then, someone open the door saying they messed up, but they took the picture anyways. Thinking that Hazuki was going to get married, Haruka thinks that she is in Hazuki’s way because she depended on her so much. At home, they mention it to Hazuki, but she reveals that she was talking with the hardware store manager to get a new chain for the chainsaw. Then, they get emotional and Haruka hugs her. Then, Nanami and Mika enters the room with shopping bags. Mika takes something out of the bag that made Haruka upset and takes it.

Then the photo that was taken at the bridal shop fell out and Mika picks it up and wounders what is this about. Haruka tries to take it back… and they soon think that Haruka and Yuuto married each other from the look of the photo..
Yes, Mika seems to be talking dirty for her age (she is actually 14 years old) and we already have panty shots of her… That is so wrong… lol… Anyways, I find Mika calling Yuuto “Onii-san” pretty funny… it’s probably the same effect in Clannad when Tomoya insists of having Mei call him Onii-chan, which gave weird feelings. This episode also revealed that Haruka doesn’t seem to keep her secret a secret since she let it all out to her family except her father…
The fourth episode was also pretty funny… yes, it contained Mika and Nanami trying on lingerie (more fanservice?)… anyways, I find the wedding picture scene pretty hilarious… but does this reveal them as a future marriage? Who knows… and also I find the misunderstanding pretty funny. Overall, these two episodes are pretty enjoyable, but fanservice not as excessive as other harem shows or *coughQueensBladecough* on the borderline of hentai.
Episode 3: 8.4/10
Episode 4: 8.9/10
QUEENS BLADE LOL! Mika brings the light comedic and perverse tension like a hammer. Haha.