This episode that aired today was susposed to be the end all of Endless Eight and Kyon susposed to do his HOMEWORK for once with the crew, but it didn’t materialize… instead, Episode 7 have shown us what the last 5 episodes have shown… “WHAT WERE THEY THINKING?!” Is Kadokawa’s evil scheme is to damage the reputation of Kyoto Animation for their masterpieces they made in the past… Surely, the likes of Clannad, a masterpiece that cannot compare to the epic fail of Suzumiya Haruhi Second Season.
But, it’s not Kyoto Animation that is getting the bulk of the blame this time (since they are controlled and paid by Kadokawa to animate the series), but now, I’m seeing the blame going towards Kadokawa who is milking the cash cow (Suzumiya Haruhi Franchise) and not wanting to bother releasing Disappearance or the other interesting sections of the light novel. If it was Kyoto Animation’s idea of making it six episodes long, Kadokawa have a eviler scheme and will try to make it eight or even the whole season if they wanted… Remember, Kadokawa is in control of everything, although Kyoto Animation have some say, Kadokawa will always come supreme…
What about the fan reactions?
Friends at Cartoon Leap expected it to end, but got more frustrated than ever.
CCY (the author of Mega Megane Moé) on Twitter have mentioned that the rating for Haruhi have tanked .75 after two weeks and .05 points right after Episode 7 have aired and still tanking.
Another blogger who is frustrated with Endless Eight created 4koma on the reaction of Endless Eight with Kyon picking up the phone.
Even I have raged, expecting Kyon and Company to do their homework at the end… to my surprise… it’s the same thing over again.
At AnimeSuki, the ratings tanked on the later episodes of Endless Eight:

Akiko’s Jamu or Endless Eight?
In a poll made a week ago, I asked readers what they would do. The vast majority of them perfer eating the toast with Akiko’s Jamu instead of watching 6, maybe 8 episode of Endless Eight straight through… I can’t blame them though… The Jamu looks alot more appealing now, even if it doesn’t taste good.
What’s wrong with the picture? Have Haruhi “Jumped the Shark?”
Ever since Endless Eight started, we have thought that it would end on the second episode… Instead, the Endless Eight arc have dragged on for so long that people started to blame someone (Kyoani and/or Kadokawa) on the handling of the Haruhi S2 anime… Believe me, Endless Eight is what made the Haruhi series jumped the shark… It will never be the same ever again since expectations have lowered across the board… so, good luck on selling those DVDs, Kadokawa….
In conclusion, This is the worst stunt for Kadokawa to play… while hurting Kyoani’s reputation with it, but they will recover someday, but for Kadokawa… not so much.
“Friends at Cartoon Leap expected it to end, but got more frustrated than ever.”
You better believe it…If it is frustrating to watch it, imagine it to blog it…I will probably quit the SOS DAN club and join the Astronomy club instead…Try to guess what series I am talking about… 🙂
You can say that again… When I watched the 4th episode of Haruhi… Wait… is this the same old s**t over again… but I didn’t bother watching the last 3 episodes, since it’s going to be the same…. and I don’t want to bother watching or waste my energy getting worked up about it…
I pretty much gave up… and many did too… What a waste of 4 episodes….
To be successful, an author/publisher must earn and keep the trust of his readers/viewers. After all, those readers/viewers always have the option of doing something else. I for one, will find other things to do with my time than squander it on this pointless drivel. That’s not to say that the story doesn’t have a point; but there is no story point that could possibly require such a magnitude of repetition.
What a shame. There was a time when I couldn’t imagine not being delighted by each episode of Suzumiya Haruhi. Recently I’ve decided not to watch the previous episode until I find out how the current episode starts. If it opens with the time loop, I just turn it off and forget the previous episode. I’ll keep doing that until something new happens. I’m not going to let the author/publishers mess with me. I don’t care how good this story used to be, It never was and never could have been good enough to earn the right to keep me interested the way it is now.
I don’t think it will really end at 8 episodes.
like Yuki said it happened over 15,000 times, and at the rate we are going they will make an episode for each time, at least that’s what it feels like at this point.