With the festival approaching, crisis started to occur within the light music club.
Short Synopsis
As always, Yui forgets to maintain her guitar, so they took it in the shop realizing that Yui had to pay for the maintenance, but Mugi saves the day. Afterwards, Yui, Mio, and Nodoka were eating cake while the others spy on each other and Ritsu started to pick on Mio… which the real drama begins when Mio finally flips out at Ritsu while practicing and calling her “Stupid”… making her absent several days and finally Mio goes to her house and applogizes to her and finding that Ritsu is actually sick. Then the others came and Yui started to sleep, which she in turn catches a cold
K-ON! as much I have enjoyed the last 10 Episodes was very enjoyable, but it seems that they finally pick themselves from the disappointing Episode 10 which was a complete rehash of Episode 4 which disappointed me alot. However, the drama is ironicly done well despite being displaced in a comedy series, but still well executed.
Yet’s hope they do well in the so called final episode… by the way, there is more episodes after 12.

I’ve been sending links to my fellows all weekend to get here and read your story, wonderful blogging!