Kano seems to me just as cute and energetic even in her childhood.
Episode 4 is the conclusion of Kano’s arc…
Synopsis and Thoughts
While Kano is processed and was strangling Yukito, Misuzu tries to stop her and Kano breaks from her daze and fainted. Afterwards, she got taken back to the clinic. Hijari tells that this started to happen after the summer festival when Kano wanted to fly to the sky to see her mother again. During the festival, Kano wanted to buy a balloon inorder to fly to the sky and Hijari buys one but it slipped from Kano’s hand and flew away.

At night, the went to the shrine and Kano opens the door and finds a mysterious, glowing feathers and they touch it. Afterwards, they were caught by the owner of the shrine. The following day, Kano started to act strangely and one day, Hijari finds Kano trying to commit suicide, but stops her before she did it. Then, Hijari ties a bandana to her wrist to stop her from doing it again. Then, Hijari becomes a doctor in order to figure out what is wrong with her.
The following morning, Misuzu tells Yukito that she had another, similar dream that she was flying, but felt sadness.

While Yukito walking to work, he finds Michiru digging in the trash and catches her. While walking down the street, they find Minagi and her mother. Yukito calls Minagi over and tells him what he was doing, but finds that Michiru is missing. Then, Yukito asks about her mother and then Minagi was filled with melancholy saying that she is fragment of her mother’s dream.

Kano tries to spray water from the hose to cool Potato off, but he ended up running away from it.

Then, Yukito comes over to Kano and she apologizes to him about what happened. After Yukito finished walking, Yukito checked on Kano, but finds a letter on a desk saying she is going to the sky. Fearful, they went to the shrine and find that Kano fainted with blood near her wrist although there is no wounds. Then, Yukito finds the flowing feather and takes it. Then, he places the feather on Kano and then a white light appeared.

Then, they are told about a story of a mother in the past who gave birth to a baby girl, which have a birth mark on the right wrist which was a bad sign. One day while the mother tried to calm the baby down, a feather came down from the sky. Soon after, war started and her husband was sent to war. Then, having realize that someone is finding the person who touch the feather, the mother ran way from the village until they found a settlement.Soon, a plague hit the village and the village need to perform a sacrifice in a ritual to stop it. The mother refusing to have them to do it tried to do it herself, but couldn’t. Afterwards, she decide to sacrifice herself in place of the child.
Meanwhile, Kano finally sees her mother again and thanks her for her mother sacrifice so she could be born.
After the feather told it’s story, it was absorbed into to Kano’s body and the curse was lifted. While Kano was talking to Yukito, the bandana was blown away by the wind and she was told by Yukito to let it fly away.
Kano’s arc, as it is seems to be pretty interesting… However, no parents I know of want to lose their child because it’s very sad for someone to lose a child because they weren’t able to achieve anything to the fullest in their life. Although I find that Kano is a enjoyable character, her story is pretty good and dramatic… Also, the animation was done pretty well, especially in the flashback scene… and that mother reminds me of Akiko for some odd reason because she resembles her in appearance besides the eye color…
Next Episode: Start of Minagi’s arc
Kano’s Arc: 9/10
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