I have been reading the Top 5 overrated anime thread at AnimeSuki Forums, and now coming to the realization of people listing anime they don’t like “overrated” without any real justification which is the most of the people who list overrated anime with no reason or a reason which is not justified enough.
Let’s say calling any anime series “overrated” is overrated because simply, it’s just another way to say you hate the series you watched… Why not just say dislike or hate instead of using overrated?
Why am I calling anime series “overrated” overrated… I feel that most fans are missing the point of calling a series overrated just the reason for not liking it. Overrated means something is overhyped, overcredited, and usually very popular. It’s just like calling a series like “Clannad” with a small fanbase overrated just because you don’t like that genre or not in your taste… it’s completely asinine. However, calling a series like Bleach or Naruto overrated due to it’s popular and very high fanbase is justified. (maybe not Haruhi since it’s overhyped…)
Before posting your list of overrated anime… think to yourself first… Are you doing it because you hate/dislike a series that have a small fanbase and is regarded as a masterpiece by most due to it’s good storyline, character development, animation, etc? or you watched a popular series which is highly rated and you don’t think it’s that good (in a case of Naruto).
So can I say Haruhi is overrated eventhough I like it (but not THAT much), I just don’t know why this particular anime has skyrocketed beyond belief ?
Pretty much… Overrated doesn’t mean a person dislike it, but I beginning to feel in my post that people are calling a anime overrated just because they do not like it or not in their taste. (if you read some of the posts, people put Lucky Star on their list because they dislike moe anime…)
I pretty much agree with you… Haruhi is a good show in context that it’s story line is completely original, completely and not conventual like others… but yes, it’s overhyped due to the fact there are Haruhiists out there who workship the show 24/7 (I know I don’t because I think there are even better shows than Haruhi), but people say it’s overrated because they mainly don’t like it..
Naruto on the other hand is NOT a good show in my opinion because it’s a complete mess in animation and it’s filled with fillers which I would consider overhyped and overrated… but I think that they are two different things… a good show can still be overhyped and still be good… but some people have some kind of hate with Moe type of show (just read some posts bashing K-ON! saying it’s just another crappy moe show)…
I agree with your post about the whole overrated=dislike thing *nods*
However, I like to put my own two cents. I guess my definition of overrated is different than most people. I really really really hate the word ‘overrated’ because everyone uses it for different things. For me, ‘overrated’ is an anime in which people think is superior to others but it’s not that superior to others to that particular person who wants to label it as such. I rarely call an anime ‘overrated’ because one, I don’t want to copy others and use that word for the wrong reasons and two, I don’t think most anime are overrated. Most anime that are rated high probably deserves it some shape or form. There are a few anime I do admit to using the word too, but it’s not very often.
For me, the word ‘overhyped’ is where my comfort is at. Haruhi is overhyped, not overrated. VK is overrated and not overhyped. Naruto is overrated AND overhyped. I like those three examples to show what I mean with my own definitions. In conclusion, in my dictionary, overhyped does not equal overrated. ^_^;; I hope I make sense. If not, ignore me~
Here’s the thing about Naruto (or substitute with any title you want for that matter), if everyone calls it overrated/overhyped, at what point do those who put it down balance out those who praise it, and a true “fair” assessment is reached? Is a fair assessment ever going to be made between a large collection of individuals?
‘Overrated’ happens when I try to put an unfounded authoritative spin in conveying my personal displeasure with something. It’s putting my opinions above the interests of the perceived majority, real or imagined, and saying, “My tastes are better than yours.”
Example: I don’t like K-On!, but what business do I have to rain on the party everyone else is having? Why should I care so much about what everyone else thinks? They’re not, y’know, hurting anybody. If something is good, it takes only one person to state all the reason why; we don’t need a collective vote. God help me if I ever begin using the word ‘overrated’.
This brings me back to anime elitism. There is no genre that is better than the other. I believe that people have opinions on what they don’t like, but “overrated” in the context of most people is used is hating/disliking a series because they aren’t within the taste… Overrated meant that a series is overpraised and not as good as it perceived to be. Good anime can also be overrated, but someone needs to have a better and justified reason why than simply saying it’s not within my taste and I think X genre is better than Y genre and Y genre sucks… Thats where you going to see flamefests because someone is offending someone else who believes that a certain series in their opinion not justified for being overrated and that they are simply saying it because they don’t like the genre.
I see no problem in people calling a certain show “overrated” because some shows really are like that. Like K-ON, for me, is EXTREMELY overrated despite it being an AGONIZINGLY boring not-so-special show. And I find it even more annoying to see some MOE retards going crazy over them in many forums.
For you to make an argument on a totally normal response of people towards such shows is just plain stupid and arrogant of you. It’s like saying that the shows you like cannot be overrated just because you say so. That in itself is much more unjustified as compared to the negative reception of the people who says the show you like is overrated.
I really hated the stupid fact that K-ON received a lot of popularity just because of a stupid panty-flash moment. It just proves that this generation have reverted to a seemingly much more primitive state of humanity.
Wow… People really need to stop with the K-ON! Bashing since it’s getting old.. I don’t bash other peoples show because I don’t like a certain genre (action/mecha/ecchi are my dislikes)
I understand the point that you’re trying to bring, that their are some things that don’t deserve to be called overrated and other things that do deserve to be called this, but in all honestly, I HATE it in general when people call things, especially things that are fictional, like cartoon characters or anime series’, overrated. It’s like saying that you hate something because of its fans. Seriously, it’s just unfair, because most of these people have things or characters THEY love, and would probably get furious and throw insults at you when you say something horrible about those characters/series. I don’t get it. Can’t people just let fans like whatever they want and ignore what they don’t like or think is “overrated” without having to cause these huge online wars and creating bashing forums?