Uguu ~Konata imitating the famous phase by Ayu Tsukimiya
Most of the time, not really unless you saw the subbed version. Most of the time, I watch the dub because I’m so lazy reading those subtitles and why do I have to read it when I’m tying to enjoy it… The most decent dub I saw so far is the Suzumiya Haruhi and Lucky Star. The problem with some dubs is that the dub is so horrible and so unbearable that I have to end up watching the fansubbed version. The most notorious of this is Pokemon (also known as Pocket Monsters) which recast the whole voice cast and make the dub 10x worst than any Anime I have seen dubbed since Pokemon is the only decently dubbed anime by 4kids (excluding the unnecessary edits and americanization) (Thanks alot Pokemon USA for messing it up). The perception of dubs by many “purists” that dubs are always bad and subs and original voice actors are better. This is misleading to most fans of Anime and watchers because most dubs are just okay enough and not horrible like some fanboys/fangirls who exaggerated its horribleness. Also, you can’t always have the English voice to completely match because the language and how they speak is different and something may not sound right doesn’t necessary mean it’s a bad dub… it’s only bad when it’s absolutely horrible and things are censored (which is common for anime aired on TV, but not always the case), mainly most Anime dubbed by 4kids who replace OP and ED with RAP garbage…
Otherwise, dubs in my opinion aren’t bad at all… If you think it’s horrible, you can always turn on the subtitles and Japanese audio on the Anime DVDs.
What you think about dubs? What do you perfer and why?
Originally posted on December 21, 2008.
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