Last time, Hitomi and Kana are dealing with an old shopping district full of Kaii. Kana develops a new and idealistic solution to deal with their infestation.
If you recall from last time, you might wonder why Shigemoto opposed Kana’s idea of defeating all the Kaii with a magic circle. It would damage the historic market district. From observation, Kana thought of using a magic circle on a manhole to eliminate the Kaii with as little damage as possible. However, it comes at the cost of using a lot of magic.
Sure, Kana is unsure if they can pull it off, but Hitomi assures her that everything will be okay. After all, Nikoyama and Shigemoto are working behind the scenes to get a new program to deal with this situation. Of course, we find out that the CEO of AST knows Shigemoto and doesn’t seem to like how inefficient and idealistic he is. It’s evident that the AST CEO only cares about profits and money, which is not the best way to defeat the Kaii without harming the client.
This shows with Mei dealing with a Kaii at a restaurant. The customer is concerned that the restaurant’s rare tableware will get damaged. All Mei cares about is getting rid of the Kaii and just filing the damages from the extermination. It seems she doesn’t care if the tableware, rare or not, gets damaged. This shows the difference in philosophy between AST and Magilumire. It makes me wonder if AST has ties with insurance companies to do some damage so the insurance company can get a kickback.
Meanwhile, Kana had to deal with some Kaii who tried to escape from the market area as Nikoyama finished creating the new magic and ran simulations. Eventually, Shigemoto asks Kana if there are manholes that are the most optimal to defeat all the Kaii at once. Kana remembered the best area to maximize the effect near the bar.
Eventually, Hitomi executed the spell at the manhole Kana mentioned and executed the magic circle on it. Believe it or not, it worked perfectly while looking cool. All the Kaii got defeated, and there was little damage. It created an immense light that everyone in the vicinity saw, including the AST CEO and Mei herself, doing a job. She had never seen something like it in a catalog as it seemed too perfect.
As expected, the shop owners are thankful that Hitomi and Kana did the Kaii extermination in a way that caused as little damage as possible. Yep, they are grateful that everything turned out well in the end, as they gave a lot of gifts, and they even thanked Hitomi when she said the idea came from Kana. It’s cute how the little girl made an adorable drawing of Hitomi and Kana.
After Hitomi and Kana returned to the office with all the goods, it’s nice to see how much Kana has learned. As they say, everything you learn from books and college is not like what you do in your job. She realized something how vital it is to assess the situation before coming up with a solution to do the job. Shigemoto says this about aesthetics as he and Nikoyama start arguing about ribbon lengths again.
After the credits, Kaede has Hitomi and Kana spy on Shigemoto to see his nightly routines. Yep, we learn that he does a lot to keep his appearance. It’s funny to see Hitomi doing her nails as they observe their boss. At one time, they fell asleep as if nothing was happening until something happened.
(Also known as Magilumiere Co. Ltd.) Funny that in a world where magic exists, having a photographic memory is instrumental in getting the job done.
Yep, that is the surprising part and I guess without Kana’s great memory, they wouldn’t be able to pull it off.
You would think they would built it into their magic device, but I guess it will be too difficult to implement.